What Do You Believe?

APRIL 7, 2023

The dictionary tells us that the purpose and ultimate goal of any belief system is to ensure human survival and the passing of your genes. (I have some old jeans that were passed to me.) Intelligence and culture have developed a way for the human being to evolve faster and faster. (Just look at what is happening with Artificial Intelligence.) Not so much on a physical nature, even though today’s kids are bigger and stronger than in past generation, but on a mental and spiritual level. What and how do you think? What do you believe? The belief system of a person or society is the set of beliefs that one has about what is right and wrong, along with what is true and false. With all that is going on in our “Cancel Culture,” it is difficult to sort out the “noise” in finding what each of us truly believes. (Don’t fall for the group think please!) Those beliefs can and should be guided by wisdom, courage, self-mastery and love. (Our Foundational Band of Brothers’ Four Pillars) Our Christian upbringing teaches us to; “Love God and Love one another.” (Not seeing a lot of that in the news lately) I understand the media must “Sell” advertising to satisfy stockholders and satisfy certain politicians by sharing their “Negative Agenda.” It is much more profitable than the good things that happen everyday between and among the masses of society.Life boils down to what YOU believe. Your belief system is the invisible fence behind your behavior. Together, with other factors such as your genetic makeup and your habits, your belief system is one of the strongest forces in any decision (your choices) you are making each and every day. A change in one belief will affect the system as a whole. If it is one of your core beliefs, a change can potentially lead to the disruption of the system as a whole. If a set of beliefs changes, other parts of the system will have to rearrange in order to rebuild the coherence of the system. For example; take our educational system today. Is it serving a good and noble purpose or is it trying to dictate beliefs to our children at an early age to indoctrinate them into believing something against their core values? This is where the family needs to take charge in teaching the truth. Study your history because it always has a way of repeating itself. Your belief system can shape your reality. Your beliefs influence your behavior. Are you behaving in a good way or are you behaving badly? Your beliefs also influence other people’s behavior. Are you a person of your word or are you just a noisy gong flapping your lips? Beliefs are powerful and may impact your health. If you are a bitter or cynical person by constantly putting others down or spewing your poisonous gossip toward others, you are dying a slow death inside. Here is where you might want to push the pause button and reassess your beliefs. Make a choice to be more positive and understanding. Look for some light with your beliefs and see if it doesn’t change your habits, in the way you speak to others and the way you treat others. Forgive and move on. Believe me; it works, and it just might inspire others to follow.

Elevator Guy

Quote for the Day:  “Your core values are the deeply held beliefs that automatically describe your soul.” John C. Maxwell