What Can You Live Without?

MARCH 26, 2020

Do you ever think about your wants and needs in life? I suggest you write them down, reflect on them and see if that list of THINGS you think you need are REALLY what you need. Yes, we all NEED certain basics in life to survive and thrive. Our basic needs (the Physiological needs and Safety needs) include those things such as food, water, warmth, rest, security and safety. All important needs for each one of us in allowing us to survive and grow as individuals in this world. Then come the Psychological needs of intimate relationships, friends, (Belonging and Love needs) along with the Esteem needs of prestige and feeling of accomplishment. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the final and top step in life is the Self-fulfilment needs of achieving one’s full potential which include creative activities. Maslow tells us that very few reach this summit because of a lack of those underlying needs.

Take some time to study Maslow and compare his pyramid to YOUR individual needs in life. What do you really want and what do you really need in life. Write them down and reflect on them because they will certainly change during your lifetime. If you are young and building your family or career, you still need the basics but you may not have had enough experience to achieve the top level in reaching your full potential. In fact, I would argue that NONE of us will ever reach our full potential in life because we are too comfortable. Yes, there are those of you who are constantly trying achieve MORE. More of this or more of that may not allow you to look inside of yourself and see that maybe God has a different plan for you than you think.

There have been many times in my life when I think, “Boy, I have had enough of this or too much of that.” (You fill in your own) We should have a goal in life to reach the summit (a never ending summit) by really knowing and understanding WHO we are and what potential we have. What a waste if this is not one of your goals. I have found that once I reach a certain point in my life, I have had ENOUGH of something. It just doesn’t “trip my trigger” anymore and I can concentrate and study other interests. Unfortunately, some people, because of their insecurities in life, never have enough because of what OTHER people tell them. Figure out for yourself what you want and need and then practice that passion by being more intentional in your efforts. Make it fun and accomplish something of value that will last forever.

For the last five years and now that I am officially retired from the insurance world, I have tried to “Simplify” my life by trying to concentrate on those things that are important to me. Those things that last forever. That doesn’t mean I have to be selfish with others. That just means I choose to live an individual life around those that I love and care about. In my case, I like being around people so this is where I get my energy. That means I had better find something that includes people. (Which I have) Simplifying my life means trying to clean out old clothes, used up sports equipment, and anything that, in my mind, I can live without. I am at that point in my life that I have enough THINGS so I choose to concentrate on others. This means I have to get OUT of myself and into others by figuring out what others need and want and helping them get it. Just my way of giving back to this world which has allowed me many blessings in life.

If you are stuck in life, try giving something away that you thought had value to you at one time. It might merely be an old suit, an old set of golf clubs, or an old vehicle you will never use. SOMEBODY could us that more than you and you just might be a winner in your own mind if you can see that it can add value and assist others in satisfying their BASIC needs.

“What can you Live Without?”

Elevator Guy