DECEMBER 30, 2022
As 2023 approaches, I hope all of you are looking forward with great optimism and anticipation for truth in the world; for more beauty on the earth and in our relationships with others; more goodness rather than hate and destruction; and finally; Unity (Not sameness). My prayer for each of you is that you find out more about WHO you are and WHO you are becoming; if you are on the right path with your faith, family and career; WHO you are taking with you on life’s journey; and that you are prepared for a lasting legacy you plan to leave to others. Our creator is watching and guiding us but still allows each one of us choices. Make sure you make good choices that gives God the Glory and not yourself or mere mortals. Remember; he loves each one of us regardless of our past and gives us hope for spending eternity with HIM.
If you are planning on making some New Year resolutions, try being more responsible and positive (yet realistic) about life, in coming to grips with creating your own future. We are all in different seasons of our lives, so think about the BIG PICTURE (that means others as well) rather than getting hung up on your fears, doubts, and the guilty feelings you might be carrying around in your heart. Try writing them down so that you can identify what needs work. Here is a list for you to reflect on. Don’t look at them as negatives. Rather, look at them as opportunities to grow and prosper in your own life by overcoming those obstacles holding you back.
What are you ashamed of?
- What you look like to others? (Don’t worry about it because worry and perfectionism will drive you straight to defeat. Have wisdom and courage that we all bring value to the world in other ways than looks.)
- How you treat people? (Treat others the way you would want them treating you.)
- The choices you have made in life? (You can’t change the past, but you can create a new and brighter future.)
- How you react to things? (Have a little patience here, as it will all come full circle in God’s time, not ours.)
- What you say about yourself? (Use some positive affirmations about WHO you are and WHO you are becoming. You have the power to change your own attitude, behaviors and habits.)
- Saying what you believe? (Make sure you speak YOUR truth as you understand it and not what some media source says you should believe. Indoctrination is one of the oldest tricks in the book)
- Of your family or your job? (Be a great roll model for your family in your work ethic, as they are watching and listening even though you think they aren’t.)
Thanks for allowing me into your lives this past year via my Elevator Guy weekly remarks. I hope that you have learned something about yourself and that you are setting goals to grow your body, mind, and spirit. (along with your heart) Try living a life of service to others. Desire to better yourself by impacting and inspiring (in a positive manner) the lives of those you love and that love you. Be a great leader in your organization by appreciating the value of people and not just results. Listen to other’s wise opinions by seeking them out. Focus on what inspires you with the passion it takes to be effective at home and in the workplace. Look at and THINK about the Big Picture rather than being hung up on the little things in life. Trust and believe in something that will last forever.
Elevator Guy
Quote for the Day: “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” Helen Keller