APRIL 21, 2023
We all want many of the same things in life, but just don’t know how to go about getting what we want. If you want a happier life, you might want to check your attitude toward life. How optimistic or positive are you a person? This may indicate how happy you may or may not be in any given situation. If you are a “happy camper” at work, you may not be one at home. If that is the case, change your routine or change your habits that can make you happy. (Be appropriate though by making it a positive change.) Write down what you are thankful for. Write down what makes you laugh or smile. Then, when an obstacle, doubt, or distraction is thrown in your path, laugh your way through it. Keep reminding yourself of the good things you enjoy and are thankful for in life. Seize the Day! You are in control of your own attitude. While you are at it, include your purpose so that while you are having fun, you are building on your purpose in life. Learn what inspires you and do it with some humor. Be serious but have fun doing it. Remember; “Fun Gets Done.” It’s not the end of the world.
When we start thinking too much about our happiness or force ourselves to be happy, we end up making wrong turns and developing bad habits. Then we don’t even know what happiness is because we are working too heard to make ourselves happy. Many of us often end up in a downward spiral of addiction or self-deprecation that makes it difficult to recover. Love yourself in a healthy manner to get yourself out of life’s funks. Remember; Happiness is a choice, so choose to be happy.
Abe Lincoln once remarked; “Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” A person with a smile is always welcome. “Anywhere.” So, if you are dealing with unhappy customers or prospects, prepare your mind for something FUN to happen. Listen to music, watch a funny YouTube video, or share a laugh with our friends before a big meeting. It will carry you into the meeting with a positive attitude and set the tone for the entire process. According to Paul E. McGee; PH.D, “Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have, to make certain your daily mood and emotional state support good health.” Laugher and a sense of humor are good for your emotional, physical, and spiritual health. The ability to laugh at you own mistakes is associated with mental flexibility and the ability to shift perspective. Your Elevator Guy loves to do his “Lifting” by using laughter and mood setting. What are you doing to make yourself happier?
Humor has improved all my relationships and continue to do so with my “Old” friend as we continually laugh at ourselves in growing old. Here are a few “Old Jokes” for your enjoyment:
- “My kids laugh at me because they think I’m crazy. I laugh because they don’t know it’s hereditary.”
- “I finally figured out the reason I look so bad in the pictures. It’s my face.”
- “First you forget names, then you forget faces, then you forget to pull your zipper up, then you forget to pull your zipper down.”
- “I put my scale in the bathroom corner and that’s where that little liar will stay until it apologizes.”
- “As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake.”
- “Sometimes God puts you in the same situation again to see if you’re still a dumb***.”
Got some issues, worries, and anxieties you need to deal with? Turn them over to “King Jesus” and then start laughing because he has a sense of humor too. “Laugh it Off”
Elevator Guy
Jokes for the Day: “I’m not really a control freak…. BUT…..Can I show you the right way to do that?” “Humor is something that thrives between man’s aspirations and his limitations. There is more logic in humor than in anything else. Because you see, humor is truth.” Victor Borge