MAY 7, 2020
Many years ago, yours truly literally enjoyed climbing mountains. With good friends at my side, we would take on the numerous fourteen-thousand foot mountains of Colorado. We only did 12 of the 54 so lots more mountains to climb for all of us. Of course, that was when we were all quite younger but had that spirit of accomplishment. I still enjoy “Hiking” in the mountains of Colorado with my family but haven’t done a 14’er for a while. Maybe I need to get in shape and accomplish this with my kids this year because the reaching the summit is not the most important thing in life. It is who you take with you.
Think about your own mountains you are climbing right now. The mountain of life can be invigorating or it can be a slog. Choose to make it FUN and energizing and the trip will go much better. Choose to take those you love along with you and help each other reach the summit. But first, you have to have your vision for which mountain you want to climb. Make it a BIG one.
In David Brook’s book, “The Road to Character,” he reminds us that there are different stages of our lives. One is the Adam I or Resume’ building stage. The other is the Adam II or Eulogy building stage. The first stage (or mountain) is about building up the ego and defining self. It is all about acquisition and moving UP in life. The second stage (or mountain) is about shedding the ego, losing self, and contribution. The first stage, many of us go alone. The second state we take others along arm in arm because we want and need to be around them. The first mountain is basically all about YOU. You are the star of the show. (The race car driver) The second mountain is basically all about OTHERS. (The Pit Crew). I would like to think of myself as being in the second stage which I find very liberating. An opportunity to step back and make my primary focus on HELPING OTHERS rather than trying to win my own race.
Obviously, it’s never about either stage in our life because we are playing both roles in giving and receiving support. Just part of giving back to others our entire life. Since I am in my second stage, my goal is to help other people win their races. In the process, I win as well by being part of their pit crew. A very nice feeling of adding value to the lives of others.
It doesn’t matter what mountain or stage of life you are living right now. I hope it is one where you can win the race but bring others along so that you can win together. In order to help others WIN their races today try this little exercise. Choose three people and write down one thing you can do for each of them. It doesn’t have to be something huge. Maybe a word of encouragement, a hug, or an “I LOVE YOU” will suffice. Just be intentional about it.
Go ahead. Do it today. Just pick three people (or more) and practice this exercise. You will be surprised about the results of your relationship with them. Don’t expect anything in return. Just experience and reflect on the JOY you feel that you reached out to them.
Keep Climbing your Mountains.
Elevator Guy