FEBRUARY 27, 2020
All of you have probably heard of or seen the Nike Slogan, “Just Do It.” Well, that is only part of it. Yes, you have to get up, get moving forward, and “Just do it.” But who are you doing it for? “Doing WHAT”, you might say to yourself? Look at your personal vision as to where you are going in life. (and Death because this life is not guaranteed endless for ANY of us) Don’t just meander through life. Life is NOT a permanent vacation. Make your plan for your life and then live it to the fullest. While life can be difficult and complex for many, life is STILL good. So make the most of it by getting up off of the couch and “DO IT FOR THEM.” (Just a FUN way of looking at things that need to be done.)
“Who is THEM?” Them is who YOU choose to DO IT for. Hopefully you start with your Faith, (Because he did it for YOU), Your Family (and Friends), because those are the ones that show you how to “LOVE one another”, and your Career, because your people are counting on YOU to lead them, even though you may not be the Top Dog. Always remember that the boss is counting on YOU to help lead the entire organization one person at a time. That starts with YOU!
How do you do it for THEM?
- Begin with Counsel………………..……….If you want to be successful at anything, begin with Counsel. Counsel (mentors) will help you form your plans in executing a purpose. It will ensure success.
- Listen for Wisdom………………….………As you listen to counselors, you must discern for yourself the sound advice you may be hearing. Sound wisdom is described as erecting or lifting up. It inspires you to ACT.
- Gain Understanding………………….……Understand the art of LISTENING. It is a specialty skill of feeling and intellect. It compares to a language that others don’t know or use every day.
- Demonstrate Strength in your decision….We began with gathering counsel. As you listened, you gained wisdom and pulled out of it what was agreeable to you. You now have a specialty or interest in this matter. A skill, an art of knowledge.
NOW you are strengthened and energized to succeed. You have the ability and power to succeed. So…“Do it For Them.”
When seeking Wisdom, think about this. Wisdom is the ability to discern a matter, judge it by looking at it from different angles, foreseeing the possibilities of a decision, and then applying that decision. But you must ACT. There are a lot of people who make decisions without even thinking. (Or Acting) The good news or bad news is that, either way, the person receives the payback from a life of wisdom or a life of foolishness. Try learning more wisdom about yourself. If you do not heed it, you alone will bear it and pay the penalty. Try thinking more about OTHERS and then “Do it for them.”
By this way of thinking, your decisions will be more about others rather than yourself and should have a positive impact on all parties involved. Yes, you will be winner with them in your decisions but look at it as that you might be helping them learn one of life’s greatest lessons. Loving one another. How do you treat others? Are you humble and kind or do you seek revenge against them for a perceived injustice to you? Seek to understand them first before you go judging them because they may not totally understand. “Do it for THEM.”
We talked last week about ENERGY and HOPE as two of the most important virtues in life. How is your energy level? If you are going to be active, you have to find the energy to get moving. How is your Hope level? We have to believe our FUTURE will be better than our present and that we have the ability to make it so. Go to work on both your ENERGY and HOPE levels. It may just what you need to succeed at something.
Don’t “Just Do It.” “Do it For THEM.”
Elevator Guy