Are You Resilient?

MARCH 24, 2023

Are you resilient? The dictionary says resilience is: “The capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties.” It is toughness physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences and adjustment to external and internal demands life gives us. It is about continually anticipating and adjusting to shifting trends. What makes one more resilient is the ability to find that extra energy after the reserves have been used up. (“Go the extra mile” or “One more push-up for the Marine Corps” or “One more time”) Is there anything left in YOUR tank?

Many of us today often fail at things because we may not even want to learn what it takes to be resilient in life. Many of us have no initiative or willingness to take any action at all. Many of us are too insecure to allow pain and suffering to even come close to us. Many of us lack the inspiration or trust in others to understand resilience. We have our own strong beliefs so believing in and relying on other people is just not in our DNA. Trust begins at birth and will either strengthen us or weaken us as life goes on. The desire to make our own decisions (You independent individuals out there) prevents us from connecting with others to accomplish any task. Do you have people in your life who believe in your abilities to survive, succeed, and prosper? GREAT! That is a good start. Do you have faith in yourself regardless of what others think? GREAT! We are on the right path. Are you generally optimistic? (Now we are getting somewhere) We all need to learn to make great connections which may even meeting new people. People that we may least want or expect to meet. People that will love us but also challenge us to do better and be better in life.

If you are not resilient, you probably look at any crisis as insurmountable. THIS IS A PROBLEM! This is where you need to accept the change coming your way, both positive and negative. It is just part of life. Try moving steadily and consistently through your goals even in the face of adversity. Bring adversity to an end by becoming resilient and practice a little “Amor Fati” which is loving and accepting everything thrown your way. Good or Bad. It is all in your perspective and attitude toward life.

Here are some things to help you strengthen your resilience:

  • Get connected: If you build strong and positive relationships with family and friends who support and accept you, life won’t seem so hard.
  • Find Meaning: Develop a sense of purpose for your life. This will help you share your emotions, feel gratitude, and experience an enhanced sense of well-being.
  • Start Laughing: We have said in previous Elevator Guy remarks that humor in stressful situations is one of the best coping mechanisms available. And it’s free if you choose to laugh.
  • Learn from experiences: Think back on how you have coped with hardship in the past and learn from it.
  • Remain hopeful: You can’t change what happened in the past, but you can always look forward to the future. There will be a brighter day tomorrow.
  • Take care of yourself: Tend to your needs and feelings physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Then take the next step.
  • Accept and anticipate change: Nothing remains the same except God’s love for you.

Where do you find your extra energy after your reserves are used up? Push yourself a little more each time because it will only make you stronger and more resilient.

Elevator Guy

Quote for the Day; “Do not judge me by my success. Judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” Nelson Mandela