Want a Better Future? Change Your Habits

MAY 26, 2023

I hope and pray that we all strive daily, for a better tomorrow. Life is often difficult and complex, and it is your duty (and honor) to figure it out and live it out. It is up to each one of us personally to have a “vision” of what can be and what is to come. Don’t sit there and take it, because you can change the way you think, the way you act, and the way you respond to what God throws your way daily. Don’t blame HIM for your mistakes or failures. This is HIS way of showing you that you might not be on the right path and there just might be some habit changes that need to be made on your part. By changing a few habits, you will be changing the way you behave. What is it that you can “Give up” to get what you want? Is it cutting back on the size of your portions to lose some weight? Is it merely taking a “Think Walk?” Is it surrendering your “EGO” (The BIG ME) to improve a relationship? Is it spending more time with your family or those closest to you rather than burning the midnight oil every day? Think about it. To get something, we must pay a price. Not in monetary terms but in time and energy. Where do you spend your time and energy?

Look forward with optimism about what is most important to you. (And others) Is it your faith, your family, or your career? They are all important and if you can change a few small habits, you just might find a “groove” that works for you in keeping things in balance. Few people can master all three of these without some changes or sacrifices in life. In fact, life is a series of surrendering and sacrificing. What are you willing to sacrifice to get yourself in balance? It will take energy, so how well are you taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. It isn’t easy but success is not easy. (And there is NO free lunch.) It may take numerous failures until we realize that each one of us is unique, and that we might be heading down the wrong path with the wrong people at the wrong time.

We all need hope and beliefs that drive us to something good rather than comparing ourselves with others or trying to live lives that others expect of us. We need to grow with disciplined lives and disciplined daily habits. If you are not quite sure how to get started, pick out a famous character that you admire and see what it took for them to arrive at their pinnacle of their own lives. You just might be surprised to find that it wasn’t easy and that it took wisdom, courage, self-mastery, and a whole lot of love to reach their respective positions in life. We all want to belong, but we all want to be significant in life. You are already significant in God’s eyes (we are all equal) so don’t beat yourself up. Just get to work changing a few habits. Maybe it is to quit smoking or being kinder to others, as it doesn’t take too much intelligence to be nice to others. Once you figure this out, life may just give you more of what you were always looking for in the first place. BE PREPARED and act. It will take our brothers, sisters, and mentors to help show us the way and hold us accountable.

Make a commitment, be accountable, be vulnerable to constructive criticism, and then go encourage others in their journey. It will be one of the most important things you will do in life. Want a better future? Start today!

Elevator Guy

Quote for the Day: “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” John Maxwell